晚会介绍 The Gala Dinner
COA Foundation 作为针对在美华人的线上英语教育公益组织,在帮助华人提高英语水平的同时,以语言为出发点,将中国传统文化和西方文化相融合传播,让更多的华人知晓美国文化,让更多美国人了解中国传统。
此次活动由COA Foundation主办,费城中华妇女会协办,希望能够通过此次活动,进一步增强中美双方的文化艺术交流,也希望更多费城地区组织和个人关注到华人公益教育,一起携手,为更多的华人在美生活提供更多更好的帮助。
2017 COA Foundation Charity Art Auction and Gala Dinner will be held at Four Points by Sheraton on Friday, September 29, 2017. The purpose for the event is to establish connections among local communities, foster the learning and sharing of Chinese and American cultures, and enhance individual and group awareness of non-profit activities.
Over 30 pieces Oil paintings and Fine Classical Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy will be sold during the event. Highlights include works by famous Chinese painters such as Zongzhou Wang, Youmin Shui, Jie Xu, Teng-ko Weng, Er Yang, Shanfeng Li, and many more. The evening includes a live and silent auctions, whilst guests enjoy exquisite food, spectacular night view and live entertainment including marvelous traditional Chinese and Modern West Art Performances.
时间 Time
周五 Friday, 9/29/2017
地点 Location
Four Points by Sheraton
1201 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
参会宾客 Attendees
This event attracts a diverse group; Chinese and American business groups;
politicians from New York and Philadelphia; students
and parents; artists;young professionals etc.
与会人数 Capacity
100 Guests
Art Auction Catalogues
Corporate and Organization Sponsors
Chinese American Women's Sisterhood Society of Philadelphia
InAmerica Education
Deno International Education
He Jun Accounting
Individual Sponsors
Mr. Terry Tao Mrs. Wenli Huang Mrs. Loo Ming
Mrs. Grace Kong Mrs. Fang Wei Pantano Mr. Sam Liu
Mrs. Jin Li Professor Jinhong Liu Mrs. Liqun Qian
Mr. & Mrs. Shuheng Yuan Mr. Kenny Ho Mr. Zongzhou Wang
Ms. Menghan Ma Mr. Jinfei Lin Mrs. Zi Chen